Fan Designed Cosmic Encounter® Expansion Set - Ideas Cosmic Encounter® Online at Facebook tech tantra design articles what we're working on now design discussion pdfs completed and BETA
New Aliens - some “short” list(s) Brad Long -
30 Good Board Game Geek Tested Homebrews Lists from Facebook discussions. Use links in Research Sources section below to find current descriptions for any aliens with no link. (if you send me links to current descriptions of how these aliens work, I'll add them to the alien names below. Thanks
from Jack Reda
from Christopher Aurel Oliveira
responses from Mark Hawkinson
from Tech Tantra articles, Bill Eberle (in order conceived)
New Aliens - Research Sources “Short” Lists
what we're working on now design discussion pdfs completed and BETA Cosmic Encounter® Online at Facebook tech tantra design articles
just thinking . . . for fun