tech tantra thursday
for thursday october 13, 2011 THE MULTITUDE article
THE ORDER You have the power of semi-permanent alliances. At the beginning of an encounter before allies are chosen, as a main player you may offer the other main player membership in The Order. The other player has 3 minutes to accept or decline. Members of The Order are bound by the following rules. When both main players are in The Order, Attack cards become Negotiate cards and no outside alliances are allowed. When only one main player belongs to The Order, all Order member ships in the system being challenged count for The Order player; and all ships are at risk. A game win for a member of The Order is a win for all members of The Order. Before alliance invitations, as a main player, if you can afford to forfeit 4 ships to the warp and discard 4 cards, you may "renounce" The Order and no longer be bound by the rules above; however, as a former member of The Order, when you are a main player or ally against a member of The Order, your ships on planets in the system being challenged count for The Order and all such ships are at risk. Wild: TBD Super: Once a player has joined The Order they can not change their mind. Once an Order member, always an Order member.
Begun as a simple religous retreat group for one of their species six genders, The Order soon began to organize retreats and other events for all genders of their species. Over many millennium The Order also became the dominent force in their planet's economy and government. As they expand to other systems and planets, The Order has decided to offer “open enrollment” and hopes to see peace and stability throughout the universe.
for thursday october 13, 2011 THE MULTITUDE article
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just thinking . . . for fun