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alphabetical list    These pages include poems written between 2000 and June 2013. 114 of these poems, and 2 more recent poems, have been published in 9 PDF books and more will be published in future books.

            1   2  3   4  5   6  7   9  10   11  12   13 


      © 2000 - 2013  William C. Eberle    ← prev     ( 8 )     next →



of course it would be fun

(2006)  . . . to play

of how close

(2001)  when I think of how close

Oh B   Oh E

(2001)  fly up into our hearts . . .

Oh Sue

(2007)  Oh Sue when I'm dying

on  (edited 2012)

(2004)  the way the sun . . .

On and on

(2013)  On and on we go . . . Don't ever forget

on the mark

(2006)  what I saw and said . . .

one secret of her purse

(2013)  here's the secret . . .


(2003)  bright stars streaking

only just now

(2004)  I will be your friend . . .

Past the Surfaces  (edited 2012)

(2004)  No possession . . . But

playing to the audience

(2006)  how annoying . . . they should care

people know

(2001)  picture a man  a woman . . .

Primo Cubano

(2013)  there's some music that just rolls . . .

probability  (edited 2012)

(2005)  . . . is a trap . . .



      selected poems 2000 - 2013    ← prev     ( 8 )     next →




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