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alphabetical list    These pages include poems written between 2000 and June 2013. 114 of these poems, and 2 more recent poems, have been published in 9 PDF books and more will be published in future books.

            1   3  4   5  6   7  8   9  10   11  12   13 


      © 2000 - 2013  William C. Eberle    ← prev     ( 2 )     next →



being as alive

(2013)  being as alive as I seemingly am . . .

being touched

(2012)  she touches me   I mean when . . .

belly button pool

(2006)  old man . . .

Birth Mother

(2005)  it's hard being born . . .

bits of me

(2005)  I don't have conscious . . .

Breathless Moment

(2000)  . . . oh wondrous parent


(2013)  I don't think . . .


(2012)  Childish the idea of . . .

Bump ba de bump

(2004)  Pushing the wheelbarrow of . . .

but I sure do

(2012)  I know it's childish . . .

but I sure do (v2)

(2012)  . . . and I don't believe it

by the throat

(2012)  I want to grab God . . .

can we

(2005)  can we ever really . . .


(2013)  they call it the Grand . . .


(2005)  if minutes mean anything . . .



      selected poems 2000 - 2013    ← prev     ( 2 )     next →




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