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timeline list    These pages include poems written between 2000 and June 2013. 114 of these poems, and 2 more recent poems, have been published in 9 PDF books and more will be published in future books.

2003‑2004 20052006 winter 2006 spring2007‑2011 2011‑20122012 2012‑20132013


      © 2000 - 2013  William C. Eberle                     ( 1 )     next →



2000 - 2002


Breathless Moment

. . . oh wondrous parent

everythiing is free

we think we own . . .

hearts are not alone

souls are not alone . . . ever

of how close

when I think of how close

Oh B   Oh E

fly up into our hearts . . .

people know

picture a man  a woman . . .


water through my fingers . . . my life


I'm such a dope . . .

hot and cold

. . . sweet and sour . . .

self gift

take my self gift . . . moment

To die for

Short time . . . obvious when

we know so much  (edited 2012)

we can't know . . .

what kind of people

so bright . . . flares of



      selected poems timeline 2000 - 2013                    ( 1 )     next →




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just thinking . . . for fun