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Fan Designed Cosmic Encounter® Expansion Set Discussions

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for Monday November 21, 2011

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Jefferson Krogh: @Chris: If the artifacts are too few in number to make Joker an effective power, you can change Artifacts to Flares, or whatever other set of non-encounter cards that works.

Jack Reda: Exactly, Jefferson. As written, Joker can reveal a 40 every encounter if he chooses. But if you stick to the discard pile, then playing the 40 becomes one of those wonderfully agonizing decisions another player must make, time and time again... “Do I let Joker can free reign?” (2 thumbs up)

Jack Reda: The thing I do like a lot about Joker is that it forces him to work hard on getting a lot of cards, to give himself access to the artifacts (which in turn makes him a target for getting cards).

Jefferson Krogh: As we all work on this project, I urge that we try to look at not just the raw power text on the aliens, but to think about how it will change the thinking and decisions of all the other players at the table. Some of the best aliens are subtle that way. (1 thumb up)

Stephen Sloboda: I have played many a game without ever even drawing an Artifact Card. The fact that the Joker's power DEPENDS on on drawing one makes him extremely conditional... but very deceptive! Also, you are not getting an “I win” card for free; you are forfeiting the effect of your artifact.

...(from project group page - side discussion)...

Maxwell Holle: Is the Joker too powerful or is he slightly nerfed due to the amount of artifact cards?

Mark Hawkinson: I like the Joker. It'd be weak if you had to declare the value before you saw your opponent's card. But as-is you get to choose it's value after you see whether the opposing card is high enough. I'd tweak it and make it so your opponent(unless Oracle) must choose their card before you announce if you are going to use your power.

Peter Olotka: I think with Oracle, you can switch it up by using Offense goes first

Mark Hawkinson: That works! And for gambler just use the timing rule to determine whether joker or Gambler gets to use their power first. Then Joker places his card and decides whether or not to call the Gambler's bluff. which he probably will....

Christopher Aurel Oliveira: I know I sound like a party-pooper but I guess I am having trouble seeing what makes this all that different from Pacifist. Artifacts or N's still going for an auto win in combat.

Mark Hawkinson: You can force Pacifist to Negotiate by playing an N. If you play an N against Joker he'll probably just give you your compensation. So yeah Joker is somewhat weaker when you play an Attack, you might be able to win. But if you play an N against Joker it's the same as playing an N vs. warrior or virus.

Jefferson Krogh: With Jack Reda's suggested change in the other thread, it's really not like Pacifist.

Mark Hawkinson: I gotta agree with Stephen Sloboda. that would be nerfing Joker. Also since Joker changes the number, it interacts with powers that care about the number on a card. Pacifist doesn't.

Mark Hawkinson: Okay, now Bill Eberle's suggestion is nice. Joker get s to use all non-encounter cards as wilds. But the tradeoff is that you're basically using cards from the discard pile.

...(back to Facebook page - main discussion)...

Maxwell Holle: It seems like a super power, is the limited amount of artifacts enough of a hindrance?

Ales Smrdel: BGG thread - Joker - (2 thumbs up)

Stephen Sloboda: I knocked the idea of restricting the wild card as well, but it destroys the idea of the wild card. In Poker, if you play a wild card, you choose an Ace or whatever card gives you the best hand. And it's definitely balanced, because compared to late-game Warpish where EVERY card is an I win card, Joker isn't that bad and can be Zapped just as well.

Maxwell Holle: my question is what ties this power back to the image of a joker besides the “wild” factor


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