Fan Designed Cosmic Encounter® Expansion Set - Aliens Cosmic Encounter® Online at Facebook discussion archive pdfs tech tantra design articles What we're working on now Completed / BETA Cosmic Cross Checking
TOURIST << BETA >> Monday October 1, 2012
Game Setup Take an unused planet and put up to four ships on it from your home colonies. This is your “cruise liner.” It is not considered a planet. Draw from the destiny deck until you draw a colored destiny card, and place the cruise liner in the corresponding system. Then reshuffle the destiny deck. You have the power to Sightsee. After destiny is drawn, unless there was a hazard warning, use your power to move your cruise liner one system to the left. Otherwise, move it one system to the right for each hazard warning drawn. Then, if the cruise liner is in the defense's system, you may use this power to move all your ships from the cruise liner to any one planet in that system. If you choose not to do so, or your cruise liner is not in the defense's system, you may use this power to send a postcard home. Move one ship from the cruise liner back to any of your colonies, and then take a card at random from the hand of that system's player. Any time your cruise liner enters your home system, even momentarily, you may move any number of your ships from your home colonies onto it, or vice versa.
What we're working on now Completed / BETA Cosmic Cross Checking Cosmic Encounter® Online at Facebook discussion archive pdfs tech tantra design articles
just thinking . . . for fun