Fan Designed Cosmic Encounter® Expansion Set - Aliens Cosmic Encounter® Online at Facebook discussion archive pdfs design articles what we're working on now completed / BETA Cosmic Cross Checking
KLUTZ << BETA >> Friday March 16, 2012
You have the power of Clumsiness. Whenever you draw more than one card from the deck (including when you are dealt your initial hand), use this power to fumble and drop one or two of the drawn cards. Whenever you place more than one of your ships on the same planet, use this power to bump any one other ship off of an adjacent planet in the same system. Fumbled cards and ships go to the discard pile and the warp. WILD
Art Comp by Bill Martinson's daughter
fan designed cosmic expansion what we're working on now completed / BETA Cosmic Cross Checking Cosmic Encounter® Online at Facebook discussion archive pdfs design articles
just thinking . . . for fun