Fan Designed Cosmic Encounter® Expansion Set - Aliens Cosmic Encounter® Online at Facebook discussion archive pdfs tech tantra design articles What we're working on now Completed / BETA Cosmic Cross Checking
DRAGON << BETA >> Monday, April 15, 2013
You have the power of treasure. As a main player or ally, after alliances are formed, you may use this power to capture one opposing ship in the encounter, take one card at random from the hand of any player on the other side, or take from the box any two tokens that are smaller than planets. Pile these on this sheet faceup as “treasure.” Treasure is not part of your hand and is inactive while on this sheet. As a main player or ally, after encounter cards are revealed, you may use this power to add the number of different pieces of treasure on this sheet to either side’s total. If you lose an encounter as a main player, the winning player(s) may loot two items from your treasure, if they can agree unanimously on how to do so. A card is taken by one of the winners; a ship is released to its owner; a token is returned to the box. If this sheet is lost or turned facedown, each piece of treasure must be discarded, sent to the warp, or returned to the box as appropriate.
What we're working on now Completed / BETA Cosmic Cross Checking Cosmic Encounter® Online at Facebook discussion archive pdfs tech tantra design articles
just thinking . . . for fun