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selected poems timeline     selected poems      books

timeline list    These pages include poems written between 2000 and June 2013. 114 of these poems, and 2 more recent poems, have been published in 9 PDF books and more will be published in future books.

2000‑20022003‑2004 20052006 winter2006 spring 2007‑201120122012‑2013 2013


      © 2000 - 2013  William C. Eberle     ← prev     ( 10 )     next →



September 2011, Vacation Poems


Going out

Going out she didn't complain

Side by side

Side by side towels and us . . .

Rained all day

It rained all day . . .


At our backs cold hands shoving . . .


Strong hearted, hard workiing . . .

Thank you

Thank you for bringing us . . .


October 2011


An Old Game (revised 4‑7‑2012)

It was a game . . . and it was difficult


January 2012


being touched

she touches me  I mean when . . .


Childish the idea of . . .

having a son

photo of a strong, confident . . .



      selected poems timeline 2000 - 2013     ← prev      ( 10 )     next →




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