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tech tantra thursday
   - behind the cosmic curtain with Bill Eberle

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for thursday july 14 & 21, 2011    ← prev    ( 2 )    next →

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Cosmic Encounter® attack pod matches Of course, the information in our design database is not complete (the beauty of Cosmic is that it will never be “done”).

Our factor matching tool was a thinking tool we used without worrying too much about capturing all possible cases or striving for any sort of “perfection”. However, we did add some other information for our matches,

  • whether we thought the component factor match was the primary (most important) match for the component
  • whether the factor was also a component
  • and whether we thought the component factor match was “indirect”

Cosmic Encounter® encounter outcome matchesIf there is interest in using this Cosmic Encounter® Online “ce factor” design tool or something similar to help the Cosmic community discover and design new aliens, Peter and I may decide to do some more work to define more factors, refine factors, and include all of the published aliens, artifacts, and other game mechanics and match them up to factors.

It's not a project that would be a trivial exercise and we'll appreciate help. Thanks.

We'd also like to hear some of your ideas about adding additional factors or refining some of the factors we've shown on the previous page.

Do you think this kind of information would be helpful for thinking about and designing the new aliens for Cosmic Encounter® Online or for thinking about and crafting some new aliens we can offer to Fantasy Flight Games for the next Cosmic Encounter® board game expansion set?

. . . continued . . . current artifact factor matches from our design database


for thursday july 14 & 21, 2011    ← prev    ( 2 )    next →



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