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Fan Designed Cosmic Encounter® Expansion Set - Current Work

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Past Work - Delegator - Tuesday March 12, 2013

We now have 12 fan designed aliens in BETA.


Delegator DELEGATOR   Assigns Main Players

You have the power to Delegate. As a main player or ally, after alliances are formed, you may use this power to delegate an offensive ally to be the offense and/or a defensive ally to be the defense. Displaced main players become allies. Delegates act as main players in every way, but ships are not repositioned and a win or deal by a delegated offense counts as a successful encounter for the original offense. After the encounter ends, play returns to the original offense or passes to the next player, as appropriate.
(Main Player or Ally Only) (Optional) (Alliance)


As the defense, before allies are invited, if another player who is not the offense has a colony on the targeted planet, you may delegate that player to be the defense. You are no longer a main player, but could potentially become an ally on either side.
(Defense Only) (Alliance)


When you lose ship(s) to the warp except as the result of an encounter, you may delegate the loss among one or more other players. They each then lose their assigned share of ships to the warp.
(As Any Player) (Any Phase)


Long accustomed to sharing power in their small city-states, the Delegators have learned keen sensitivity to group dynamics. From a mere twitch or eager gaze they can recognize leaders among their allies. And the slightest quiver will surely betray the weak among their enemies.



Exciting new Cosmic Encounter initiative!

Details will be announced soon on our Cosmic Encounter® Facebook page.


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fan designed cosmic expansion




just thinking . . . for fun