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Fan Designed Cosmic Encounter® Expansion Set - Past Work

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Past Work - The Emporium - Tuesday January 7, 2011

The OrderTHE EMPORIUM   Can Sell Merchandise

Game Setup

Before cards are dealt, place a random collection of three cards per player face down in one stack on this sheet. Draw any or all from Deck / Rewards / Techs. You may look at the cards at any time.

You have the power to merchandise. When you are the defensive main player, the offensive player may enter the Emporium in lieu of the encounter. The offense uses the hyperspace gate and may invite allies who can come along to the Emporium. You may invite allies who can also enter.

Following the timing rule, all buyers in the hyperspace gate must make a purchase with their own ships from the hyperspace gate. Cards cost one ship per card, sight unseen. You hold up EMPORIUM cards for random picks. Ships paid to you are placed on this sheet and count to your defense on any planet in your system. Ships not used to make purchases are returned to players normally. If you lose your power, all ships are returned to owners.

You may always have one card face up as an advertisement  . . at a price you set.

After the last purchases, the encounter ends successfully. Note, you may not buy from the Emporium. When the Emporium is empty draw new merchandise as if starting the game.
(Defensive Main Player Only) | (Optional ) | (Launch...Alliance)


TBD (post your draft for a Emporium history)




You may embezzle one card per encounter from the store
. . . (Destiny)



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fan designed cosmic expansion




just thinking . . . for fun