tech tantra thursday
for thursday may 26, 2011 Cosmic Encounter® Online at Facebook illustration fb thread
Challenge Question 1
The bot code for Cosmic Encounter® Online has some high level thinking (decision processing) and some low level thinking.
we're right back to that high level thinking. Can't do much without it. Bots (AI) or humans. For humans, high level thinking also involves quite a bit of unconscious “thinking” gestalt awareness and plain old gut level instinct. Challenge Question 2 All of the main object methods for bots are defined in the alien Java object code which creates the generic alien object for the game. Some aliens objects override some of those base methods because . . . they are special, or at least special for the current circumstances. So, there's the basic stuff, what do all the aliens have to know (what does the code have to “see” that the human players can see). And there's the specific stuff for each alien - is there anything special about me that would give me an opportunity to do something different from the other aliens in the current situation . . . ah yes, and then there are those situations, what we called events in our design database. Basically for Bots, it's simple. Every game decision request is a special situation for all alien bots and may or may not be a special situation for a specific unique alien bot, in which case there will be code for that alien object that overrides (trumps) the generic alien bot code. To whet your appetite for trying to think like a bot, you might want to look at the snapshot of a game with three bots. Imagine you are the REI Bot (if you haven't died yet you're nobody) or the LOS Bot or the ORA Bot (or MAC Bot). What kind of high level thinking do you need? What rules could you make and follow to help you win? I'll add more to this article about bot AI for Cosmic Encounter® Online if we see interesting discussion threads at Cosmic Encounter® Online at Facebook which would benefit from more in-depth exploration here. See also, related august 18, 2011 Bot AI tech tantra article.
Thanks. — Bill Eberle (for Cosmic)
Cosmic Encounter® Online at Facebook illustration fb thread
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