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My famous wife, the fabulous Dagney Ernest

News about the news . . .

Photo - Our DagneyWhen the owner of Midcoast Maine's chain of 4 newspapers (which used to be 6 newspapers) decided on Friday to “cease all publications” our hero, the local Arts and Entertainment editor for 2 of those newspapers, learned she would have an opportunity for a “change of careers” . . . after working for the local newspapers for 27 years, and full-time as the A&E editor for the past 16 years.

Bangor Daily News story all VillageSoup publications cease operations


Selected Facebook discussions . . .

Dagney's post on Facebook Friday night with over a 100 responses.

  A post and some positive feedback earlier on Friday about an article she had just written, just published in Thursday's paper (the last Village Soup Gazette). Unfortunately, that article and all of her other wonderful stories, photos and articles over the years for our local newspapers are no longer available. We hope they'll be available again soon.     Dagney knows the show must go on.

        Dagney Ernest . . . has left the building.

       A plea to local businesses and a personal note.

Our Dagney


The Courier Gazette Comes Back From the Dead


Dagney Ernest “has hada soul‑searching roller coaster coupla weeks

    . . . I've agreed to get back in the saddle as A&E editor of Reade Brower's phoenix-like Courier Publications. I am so grateful for your support in recent days, thank you!”


Bill's poem about. . . the meeting

as she drove to the meeting
which she did not think
would turn out well

she was thinking . . .


    Dagney is a wonderful character and a great writer with many other talents: photography, acting, professional voice‑over, and everyone who has ever heard her sing knows she has a gift - a great, bluesy Broadway alto which everyone in the theatre can hear.

Dagney Ernest - editor, journalist, writer, photographer, actor, singer, voice-over artist, and creative collaborator.

Contact Dagney at



events        Ellie's great photo of Dagney        photos        poems



just thinking . . . for fun